
My name is Lex Kartynnik , I am from Belarus, now I live in Poland and have been working in Tech since 2011.

I worked as a Software Engineer for the 10 years (backend, C#, .NET, Azure), and since 2021, I've been developing global tech community at aw.club. Some people call it «Developer Relations».

In parallel with my main job, I do a lot of tech, near-scientific and other technical content on YouTube under the pseudonym Lex ITBeard .

On this web site you gonna to learn a little bit more about all my projects 😊

My Projects


The show «АйТиБорода» ("ITBeard") tells about the life of tech specialists from inside and in its episodes tells about programming languages, popular technologies, professions, famous representatives of the sphere and even science.

Without any censorship, labels or extra pathos.

Evolution of Code 🧬

«Эволюция Кода» - это закрытый Telegram-клуб для разработчиков и разработчиц, которые прокачивают свои навыки через изучение AI-инструментов и практик.

Единое место для погружения в разработку в паре с ИИ.

AIA Podcasts

«AIA» is a podcast where we discuss with Vitya Shelenchenko the latest news from the world of neural networks and artificial intelligence.

The podcast is released with the support of Anywhere Club every two weeks.

Beard News

«Beard News» is a solocast where I talk about IT gossip, events in my life, new and old content, and upcoming plans.

The podcast is released once a month and is available to my patrons and sponsors.

Цёмны Лёс

«Цёмны Лёс» ("ciomny los") is a science-geek podcast in the Belarusian language.

From scientists to Tolkien and Warhammer lovers!


«VKL.world» is the first exclusively Belarusian-language community on the Mastadon network.

Mastadon is the distributed equivalent of Twitter, but without the dictatorship of Ilon Musk.

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